Shared by Patti M. Clark, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services via KYPRIN ListServ Please see information below on an upcoming training – Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) – focused on support disaster survivors in managing distress and coping with post-disaster stress and adversity offered by the University of Kentucky Center on trauma and Children The training is free and takes place across three days, Nov. 1, 7 and 15th. CEUS Available: Social Work, Psychology, EILA. FRYSC Pending Certificate of attendance...
Shared by Regina M. Dawson, KDE via KYGUID ListServ The Compassion Resilience Toolkit for Schools is a flexibly implemented set of evidence-informed resources to build awareness of compassion fatigue and strategies to increase compassion resilience in adults from a system and individual perspective. The resources include activities for large group, small group or team-based use as well as for individual reflection. Included in the 12 sections are activities for leaders and staff on realistic expectations, setting compassionate boundaries, building a workplace culture of compassion, self-care strategies, and links to...
From the desk of Patricia Greer, Kentucky Center for School Safety Resource Center Director The Kentucky Center for School Safety is proud to announce this year’s Kentucky Safe Schools Week,“CREATE A RIPPLE EFFECT” is set for October 16-22, 2022. This year’s theme is “Create a Ripple Effect” and the focus will be on the fact that no act is ever too small to make an impact. When you create a difference in someone’s life, you not only impact their life, you impact everyone influenced by them...
From the desk of Jon Akers, Executive Director of Kentucky Center for School Safety With the recent implementation of HB63 that requires school resource officers on all school campuses, the Kentucky Center for School Safety has started a SRO Mentoring Program. We would like to pair new (or relatively new) SROs with experienced SROs from around the state. This program would provide your SRO with a mentor that would provide one on one support throughout the school year. Please see...
From the desk of Jon Akers, Executive Director of Kentucky Center for School Safety Below are four documents that I said I would be providing following our SSC update training and/SSC initial training. They are: Suicide Prevention Tool kit— This will provide you with helpful information to share with principals when planning for their teachers’ required annual update training on suicide prevention as well as useful information when planning suicide prevention lessons for their students. You’ll find there is a...
From the desk of Jon Akers, Executive Director of Kentucky Center for School Safety The Kentucky Center for School Safety will be conducting Initial School Safety Coordinators training on July 14th beginning at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time ending at 12:30 p.m. Click to download training the training materials that we will be using. Since we are awarding EILA credit, we ask that you leave your cameras on for the duration of the training sessionPlease mute your microphone until we...
From the desk of Jon Akers, Executive Director of Kentucky Center for School Safety KCSS IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE OUR MOST CURRENT INITIATIVE TO SUPPORT NEW PRINCIPALS, The KCSS Principal Mentoring Program. It has been my observation over the past several years that Kentucky is experiencing a high turnover in principals in our state. In fact, many move on to other positions within five years. With the demands that greatly affect you and your district staff on a daily basis, KCSS...
Shared by Christina Weeter, KDE via KYFRYSC ListServ Considering the recent events involving mass violence, the Kentucky Department of Education would like to connect schools, families and the community with resources for talking with children about mass shootings and other events involving violence. The linked document, which was initially compiled by The University of Kentucky’s Center on Trauma and Children, provides resources that can be used across developmental stages. For more information, contact Doug Roberts at or (502) 564-4772. National Child...
Tragedy Resources Resources dealing with school violence and tragedy. The safety of our precious children and staff is our first priority. Here are some available resources: After the Tragedy …In the ClassroomSchool Violence Prevention: Tips for Parents & Educators (NASP)Tips for Talking With and Helping Children and Youth Cope After a Disaster(SAMHSA)Information for Parents During a CrisisCoping with Traumatic Events: Resources for Children, Parents, Educators, and Other Professionals (resources also available in Spanish, Chinese & Japanese) (SAMHSA)Talking to children about terrorist attacks and...
Shared by G. Douglas Roberts, KDE via Safe Schools ListServ Register now for the 2022 Persistence to Graduation Summit Join the Kentucky Department of Education’s Division of Student Success for the 2022 Persistence to Graduation Summit on June 28-29 at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Louisville. This experience will bring together education professionals from across Kentucky to share innovative strategies to support students on pathways to graduate high school and transition successfully to their next chapter. This highly interactive event...