Kentucky took a major step to address the issue of school safety. With the passage of House Bill 330 in the 1998 General Assembly, an opportunity was established to create safe, secure learning environments where all children can successfully achieve. The General Assembly hereby authorizes the establishment of the Center for School Safety. The center’s mission shall be to serve as the central point for data analysis; research; dissemination of information about successful school safety programs, research results, and new programs; and, in collaboration with the Department of Education and others, to provide technical assistance for safe schools. Enacted April 10, 1998
The mission and scope of work for the Kentucky Center for School Safety (KCSS) demanded that a statewide collaborative effort be undertaken. House Bill 330-” The center’s mission shall be to serve as the central point for data analysis; research; dissemination of information about successful school safety programs, research results, and new programs; and, in collaboration with the Department of Education and others, to provide technical assistance for safe schools. This collaborative partnership brings together a dynamic blend of experience and expertise in project management and the provision of training and technical assistance to education, human service and justice professionals. KCSS serves Kentucky’s 172 public school districts, Kentucky School
for the Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf. This includes 1,466 K-12 schools and over 648,000 students.
KCSS (located on Eastern Kentucky University) works in conjunction with the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT), the Kentucky Association of School Administrators (KASA), and the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security (KOHS) on numerous projects, a few of which are featured in this publication. Two of its principal partners are the Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA) and Murray State University.
KCSS is guided in its work by a 15-member Board of Directors whose members are appointed by the Governor. KRS 158.441 stipulates the composition of the KCSS 15-member Board. The current board is rich in dedication to Kentucky’s schools. A glimpse of the passion they share is reflected in their educational pursuits, trainings and diverse experiences. These dedicated board members contribute to the enhancement of safety in Kentucky schools throughout the state.
The KY General Assembly has appropriated more than $200 million through the Kentucky Department of Education to support safe school efforts since 1999. In 2020, under House Bill 352, the KY General Assembly passed a one year appropriation of $13,000,000 for fiscal year 2020-2021. Funding is used by Kentucky school districts for safe school programs and services, and approximately 10% is retained for the Kentucky Center for School Safety operations. Each school district receives a base allotment of $20,000 in addition to a per pupil amount ($13.58) based on the district’s Average Daily Attendance (ADA).
The Kentucky Center for School Safety is housed at Eastern Kentucky University. The executive director and the administrative offices of the center are located on that campus. There are two satellite offices, one is the KCSS training component coordinated through KSBA. The second satellite office is the KCSS Resource Center, the KCSS website and other initiatives are produced and facilitated through our office at Murray State University. Feel free to contact us for assistance.