

To reduce the enormity of the training challenge, the KCSS has adopted a three-tiered Conceptual Framework which focuses on a multi-level strategy of positive, behavior support for all students by informing and directing the efforts of all faculty, staff, and students.

Three coordinated training and technical assistance initiatives have been undertaken by the KCSS directed toward specific targeted audiences: schools and communities, post-secondary education and justice/law enforcement. Ongoing needs assessments highlight specific technical assistance needs and provide direction for training and technical assistance which may be addressed through on-site or distance learning opportunities.

On-Demand Training

Threat Assessment Training for School-Based Threat Assessment Teams

School Safety Coordinators have clearly communicated to us that there is confusion at the school level pertaining to establishing a threat assessment team and efficiently assessing a threat. Additionally, they have asked for specific steps needed to address a threat. Further, they amplify a genuine need for personalized training coupled with proficient Kentucky resource persons upon whom they can call for immediate guidance and assistance

In direct response, KCSS has heard their concerns and are ready to respond to our fellow educators across the state

What have we done

KCSS has contracted with nationally renowned school safety and threat assessment experts Bill Modzeleski and Marisa Randazzo to train a cadre of trainerswho specialize in threat assessment

Because of their vast experience and knowledge in this arena, they are extremely credible and widely respected among educators nationwide. Simply put, we wanted to be trained by the best.

You may view our Threat Assessment Protocol online here

For more information or to schedule a training for your school contact Dan Orman at 502-424-8652 or email

Emergency Management Planning

This EILA-approved training is designed to identify and discuss the need for schools to work closely with local, state, and federal health, safety, and emergency personnel. The need to develop and actively maintain local emergency management plans for coping with a variety of emergency response situations is critical. Schools recognize the need to have plans that outline how they are working to keep their schools safe. This training will provide the latest examples of best practices for school emergency management plans. The training will cover how to develop and implement your emergency management plan and the latest information and resources for preparing communities, first responders, and families for emergencies.

You can find our Emergency Management Resource Guide and other resources under our Emergency Procedures tab

For more information or to schedule a training for your school contact Dan Orman at 502-424-8652 or email

Classified Staff Training

This EILA-approved training provides your classified staff the opportunity to understand the key role they play in making schools safe and positive places to learn. Regardless of how you define classified staff (paraprofessional, custodian, bus driver, cafeteria personnel, or office assistant), this training will be an excellent resource for new staff as well as continued professional development for existing staff. This training provides valuable information on understanding a classified staff’s role as a part of the school team. Information can be shared on topics such as behavior management skills, bullying awareness, and how to respond to a crisis.

For more information or to schedule a training for your school contact Dan Orman at 502-424-8652 or email

Community/PTA/Bully Prevention Training

For any interested party who wants to learn more about bullying in general and especially the impact that parents and adults have:

The presentation covers:

  • Legislative issues surrounding bullying
  • How to identify bullying
  • Shattering the myths about bullying
  • Characteristics of bullies and victims
  • Affects of bullying on bystanders, bullies, and victims
  • How to prevent bullying
  • Importance of parent and adult activation
  • Internet and Cyber-bullying
  • Resources available to Parents and Educators

Time Involved:

The training is a 45-minute presentation with a 15-minute question-and-answer session at the end. (The training can be modified to meet the needs of the services agency.)

Maximum number of participants: 100

For more information or to schedule a training for your school contact Dan Orman at 502-424-8652 or email

Cyber Bullying and Internet Safety Training

The KCSS is pleased to offer schools and districts training that will assist them with maintaining a safe and orderly learning environment for all students that includes preventing the victimization of students by cyber bullies. This training will assist your staff with understanding cyber bullying, the emotional and physical threat it poses to the safety of children, how children and teens can avoid risky behaviors, what to do if confronted with cyber bullying online, and recommended policies and procedures for schools and districts.

For more information or to schedule a training for your school contact Dan Orman at 502-424-8652 or email

Handouts for Internet Safety includes… Internet Safety Quiz – Internet Safety: What Can Parents Do – Internet Safety: Parent Brochure – Removing Personal Information… (Kentucky Center for School Safety)

K-12 Bully Prevention Training

A news report of a child being bullied at school with tragic results is becoming all too common. While bullying behavior may be old news to most educators, the recognition that bullying is more than a necessary rite of passage and that schools can indeed prevent bullying continues to gain attention. This awareness has prompted numerous states to pass school anti-bullying laws with many more considering similar and orderly learning environments for all students which includes preventing the victimization of students by bullies.

The underpinning of the Kentucky Center for School Safety is that a safe, nurturing learning environment is essential to an effective and productive school. For that reason, KCSS offers anti-bullying trainings to assist school districts with understanding the impact of bullying effective strategies for change, and framework for implementing a Comprehensive Bullying Prevention Plan.

For more information or to schedule a training for your school contact Dan Orman at 502-424-8652 or email

Alternative Education Training

The KCSS has identified successful Kentucky practitioners who are ready and willing to provide on-site technical assistance for alternative education programs in a variety of areas:

Getting Started

    • Fact-finding data analysis and goal-setting
    • Defining program philosophy, target population and setting school climate
  • Environment
  • Screening/Placement activities as well as strategies for successful transitions into/out of the program
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Behavior Management
  • Social Skills
  • Program and Classroom Evaluation
  • Parent and Community Involvement
  • Interagency Collaboration 
  • Staff/Professional Development and training/certification
  • Public Relations/Public Image
  • Funding and resource development
  • Leadership Roles/Responsibilities 
  • Special Education: implications for alternative ed program and students
  • The relationship with the regular school
  • Dynamic change in both short- and long-term

For more information or to schedule a training for your school contact Dan Orman at 502-424-8652 or email

Prescription Drug Use

Drug abuse rates have been going down in all categories including tobacco and alcohol. That is the good news. The bad news is that Prescription and Over the Counter Medicine abuse rates are through the roof. What brought us to this point? What does the law say? Why are kids abusing these potentially deadly substances, and what can we do about it?

We need to shift our thinking when it comes to how we talk about, use, monitor, and administer medicines to our children. They may see medicines as a “safe” alternative to illegal drug use. During this session, the trainer and participants will look at how we can protect our kids from the dangers of prescription and over-the-counter drug abuse. The trainer will discuss how we may have gotten where we are, and what we can do daily to take us closer to where we want to be.

For more information or to schedule a training for your school contact Dan Orman at 502-424-8652 or email

School Resource Officer Training

This EILA-approved training focuses on topics surrounding the duties of SROs in our schools. It covers areas such as student search, student interviews/discipline, sexting/cellphone issues and other hot topics facing schools who are fortunate enough to have the services of an SRO. The presentation delineates duties that can legally be completed by an SRO and those that should be completed by an administrator. Issues surrounding probable cause and reasonable suspicion are discussed. This training gives both the viewpoint of an SRO and the viewpoint of an administrator in addressing these issues.
For more information or to schedule a training for your school contact Dan Orman at 502-424-8652 or email