From the National Weather Service/NOAA, Louisville, KY
Louisville, KY Weather Forecast Office
March 1-7, 2023 is Severe Weather Awareness Week in Kentucky. Severe weather can occur anytime of the year, and can bring many different hazards and impacts to the region. Severe Weather Awareness week is your reminder that you need to be Weather Ready for all types of hazards, such as tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, large hail, lightning, heavy rain, flooding, and high winds. New for 2023, NWS Louisville will feature a day dedicated to Beach Safety. Many people from our state travel from Spring Break and Summer Vacation to the beach, and may not be as prepared for severe weather or beach hazards as the locals are. All week long, the National Weather Service office in Louisville, KY will be sharing information on how to prepare for severe weather, which will be viewable on our social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter). Please Share/Retweet to share this knowledge with others.
Kentucky Statewide Tornado Drill Info