This is a brief checklist of items to consider when “Preparing for Back to School.” It is not exhaustive.
Hopefully we at Kentucky Center for School Safety have heightened your awareness of items to address as Opening Day approaches, and if we can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
KCSS is excited to offer the Elementary School Lockdown Workbook; Suggestions and Ideas When Teaching Lockdown Practices to Elementary School Students.
Lockdowns and other safety drills are part of a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan. Each school engages in actions designed to mitigate loss in response to a safety threat.
Although the classroom teacher is best suited to develop specific lessons/instructions for his/her class, this workbook provides ideas and samples to assist in preparing that specific classroom plan.
Don’t forget about our free emergency procedures Flipchart App available on the App Store and Google Play. Simply type in “KCSS Flipchart” and download the app for free!
Emergency Management Resource Guide
Download New School Safety Regulations Training Resources: