Incident Commander: Establishes
command, works to protect life and property, directs
overall management of emergency response
activities. At the school level the Incident
Commander is typically the Principal or his/her
designee. The Incident Command role can be
transferred to another individual (example -- police
officer of fire fighter) depending upon the
emergency as they arrive on the scene.
Planning: In small emergencies, the
Incident Commander (IC) is responsible for planning,
but in a larger emergency, the IC establishes a
Planning Section. Planning collects and evaluates
information as related to the development of an
incident and status of resources.
Operations: On a school campus, most
staff will be assigned roles under Operations.
Operations are responsible for the
care of students and carrying out
response activities according to established
Universal Emergency Procedures and Emergency
Logistics: Is responsible for
communications, as well as securing and providing
needed materials, resources, services and
personnel. This section may take on a major role in
extended emergency situations.
Administration/Finance: Sometimes
overlooked, the Administration/Finance is critical
for tracking incident costs and for reimbursement
accounting. This is especially important in
tracking costs where a state or federal “disaster
area” may be declared.