Emergency Management Resource Guide


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Phases of Emergency Mgmt
  Planning Partners
  Mitigation Checklist
  Preparedness Checklist
  Response Checklist
  Recovery Checklist
Incident Command
  Levels of Emergencies
  Impact Large Disasters
  Legal Responsibilities
  Introduction to ICS
  Incident Com Schools
  Emerg. M Response Team
  Practicing the Plan


Emergency  Responsibilities

Emergency Responsibilities

The following is an outline of roles and responsibilities for staff during an emergency.  The Emergency Management Response Team has specifically assigned roles during an emergency and will access the District Support Team in accordance with your school’s individualized plan.

Personnel Guide


The principal shall serve as Incident Commander (in the vast majority of cases) and shall be responsible for the overall direction of the emergency procedures at the school or support building site.  Responsibilities include:

1.      Take steps deemed necessary to ensure the safety of students, staff, and other individuals in the implementation of Emergency Management Response Protocols.

2.      Determine whether to implement Universal Emergency Procedures (evacuation; reverse evacuation; shelter in place; severe weather/safe area; drop, cover and hold; lockdown)

3.      Activate the Emergency Management Response Team.

4.      Text Box:  
Arrange for transfer of students, staff, and other individuals when safety is threatened by a disaster.

5.      Work with emergency service personnel (depending on the incident, community agencies such as police or fire department may have jurisdiction for investigations, rescue procedures, etc.)

6.      Maintain a line of communication with the Superintendent’s Office and/or District Support Team.


This staff person’s role is to stay with the Incident Commander and keep a log of necessary information:

1.      Record all decisions and when they were made.

2.      List all calls with time and name of person called.

3.      Include a written description of all responses implemented and the time.

4.      Text Box:  
List all personnel dispatched and their destination.

5.      Record all responders and when they arrived on the scene.


The District Support Team’s role is to support the school when the need exceeds the resources of the school to handle a situation:

1.      Provide guidance regarding questions which may arise.

2.      Direct additional support personnel, including District Support Team members as needed.

3.      Monitor the emergency situation and facilitate major decisions which need to be made.

4.      Provide a district contact (Public Information Officer) for release of information to the media. This should include planning of a prepared statement that will be released.


Teachers shall be responsible for the supervision of students and shall remain with students until directed otherwise.  They shall:

1.      Take steps deemed necessary to ensure the safety of students, staff, and other individuals in the implementation of Emergency Management Response Protocols.

2.      Direct students in their charge according to established Universal Emergency Procedures.

3.      Render first aid if necessary.  Selected school staff should be trained and certified in first aid, Automated Electronic Device (AED) use and CPR.

4.      Teachers must have their roll book with them.

5.      Take roll when the class relocates in the designated assembly area.

6.      Report missing students and staff to Student Accounting and Release (you may want to consider utilizing a colored card system to expedite this process).

7.      Assist as directed by the principal/incident commander.


Counselors, social workers, psychologists shall be responsible for assisting the overall direction of the emergency procedures at the site.  Responsibilities include:

1.      Take steps deemed necessary to ensure the safety of students, staff, and other individuals in the implementation of Emergency Management Protocols.

2.      Direct students in their charge according to established Universal Emergency Procedures.

3.      Render first aid if necessary.

4.      Assist in the transfer of students, staff and other individuals when their safety is threatened by a disaster.

5.      Maintain a line of communication with the Emergency Management Response Team leader.  This would be the principal in the school and the superintendent for the school system.

6.      Assist as directed by the principal/incident commander.


1.      Provide first aid or emergency treatment as needed.

2.      Communicate first aid and emergency treatment needs to emergency service personnel.

3.      Assist as directed by the principal/incident commander.


1.      Survey and report damage to principal/incident commander

2.      Assist with implementing the Universal Emergency Procedures and Emergency Management Response Protocols as directed.

3.      Control main shut-off valves for gas, water, and electricity and assure that no hazard results from broken or downed lines.

4.      Assist in the conservation, use, and disbursement of supplies and equipment.

5.      Assist as directed by the principal/incident commander.


1.      Answer phones and assist in receiving and providing consistent information to callers.

2.      Provide for the safety of essential school records and documents.

3.      Assist as directed by the principal/incident commander.


1.      Use, prepare, and serve food and water on a rationed basis whenever the feeding of students and staff becomes necessary during an emergency.

2.      Assist as directed by the principal/incident commander.


1.      Supervise the care of students if an emergency occurs while children are on the bus.

2.      Transfer students to new location when directed by the dispatcher or authorized regulatory agency.

3.      Follow procedures as directed by your transportation policy for emergency situations.  

 4.     Assist as directed by the principal/incident commander.


Emergency Management Resource Guide
Toll Free (877) 805-4277

Copyright KY Center for School Safety